The norms and standards for their writing are as follows:

The norms and standards for their writing are as follows:


1 min read

(1) Headings.

The purpose of the headings in the main text, also called subheadings, is to make the level of the article clear. Some subheadings use words to summarize the central content of the level, and some subheadings use numbers directly, just to indicate the order, to play the role of the top and bottom.

(2) Notes.

The text quoted in the view of others, statistical data or formulae must indicate the source, there is a need to explain the content can also be added to explain, this is the note. Note with the end of the page, that is, in the citation of the place to write a footnote marker, the note on the note at the bottom of the page of the manuscript. You can also use an end-of-page note, i.e., put all the notes together at the end of the paper. The serial number of the note should be indicated by ①, ②, ③, etc., but not by [1], [2], [3], etc., to avoid confusion with the serial number of the reference.

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